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info-bytes hosting y diseño para uruguay y el mundo2008 Info-Bytes.Net

Our company

Our company was established after some chats among Daniela Costa and Pablo Buydid, during our work in a previous employment, at the end of 2005. The idea was to create an Uruguayan company dedicated to offer integral services in information technology. After some wraps, meetings and treated details, we decide to define our in route to continuing.

It's for that reason that from then on we are devoted to offer design of websites, from an optics that favors a lot to small and medium-sized business with little knowledge in the topic, or people who want an integral service.

We are established in Piriápolis, Uruguay, open to the world. We form a young company, with dynamic and open mentality, and with a spirit that we want to share in each work that we believe.

In 2006 we start our Center of Qualification in Piriápolis, with courses that currently are dictated by Pablo Buydid.

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